AUGUST 8, 2007
8:00 PM

1.	Mark Bram, President of Council, called the meeting to order at 8:02pm.		

2.	Pledge of Allegiance

3.	Roll call
	Members present:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Others present:	Kathy Mulcahy, Mayor		Stephen Byron, Law Director
			Chris Kostura, Police Chief		Bruce White, Fire Chief/Service Director	
			Brian Mader, Engineer		Kristin Dubyak, Clerk of Council
4.	Audience comments relative to items on the agenda.
	No comments.

5.	A motion to accept the minutes of the July 11, 2007 regular meeting was made by Soroky, seconded by Kluter.
	Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Nays:	none
6.	A motion to accept the minutes of the July 25, 2007 reconvened meeting was made by Centanni; seconded by Perry.
	Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Nays:	none

7.	A motion to accept the minutes of the August 1, 2007 work session was made by Soroky; seconded by Centanni.
	Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Nays:	none

8.	A motion to accept the June 2007 Treasurer’s Report was made by Brown; seconded by Perry.
	Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Nays:	none

9.	A motion to accept the July 2007 Tax Administrator’s Report was made by Kluter; seconded by Brown.
	Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Nays:	none

10.	A motion to approve the bills to be paid in the amount of $376,094.97 and additional expenses of 
	$55,796.06 was made by Soroky; seconded by Brown.
	Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
	Nays:	none
	Centanni asked that the amount paid to Village Architect Kluchin for attending an ABR meeting be corrected.  	
	It should be $225.00, not $225.50.

11.	Old Business: Introduction and consideration of:
A.	ORDINANCE NO. 2007-13
	An ordinance amending Chapter 1373 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village to require the installation  
	of carbon monoxide detectors as well as smoke detectors in all dwelling units in the Village, as amended. 	
	3rd Reading
	No action taken.
	Law Director stated it was not necessary to refer this ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
	This ordinance will be on the September5, 2007 special meeting agenda.

B.	ORDINANCE NO. 2007-17
	An ordinance amending certain sections of the Codified Ordinances of Orange Village to modify height 	
	regulations for buildings and other structures, and other related regulations, and repealing certain 	
	ordinances, as amended. 3rd Reading
	The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends passage of Ordinance 2007-17.

	A motion to adopt Ordinance 2007-17 was made by Perry; seconded by Centanni.
		Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
		Nays:	none

C.	ORDINANCE NO. 2007-28
	An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement creating the “Valley Enforcement Regional 
	Council of Governments,” for the purpose of establishing and operating the “Valley Enforcement Group” 
	with other political subdivisions, appointing a representative and alternate representative to the Council.
	2nd Reading
	Draft of an Agreement establishing the Valley Enforcement Regional Council of Governments for the supervision 
	and control of the Valley Enforcement Group.
	This ordinance will be on the September5, 2007 special meeting agenda.

12.	New Business: Introduction and consideration of:
A.	ORDINANCE NO. 2007-29
	An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into certain agreements to resolve regional drainage issues, and 
	declaring an emergency. 1st Reading
	Draft of agreement with Moreland Hills.

	A motion to suspend the rules was made by Perry; seconded by Brown.
		Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
		Nays:	none

		A motion to adopt Ordinance 2007-29 was made by Perry; seconded by Brown.
		Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
		Nays:	none

B.	ORDINANCE NO. 2007-30
	An ordinance authorizing the City of Solon to provide sanitary sewer service to the property owned by 	
	Ashfaq Ahmed, located at 4989 Lander Road, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the City 	
	of Solon, requiring that the property owner maintain all sewer facilities located upon its property, and 	
	incurred by the Village in inspecting and permitting the proposed sewer improvement. 1st Reading
	Draft of agreement with the City of Solon.
	Referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission for the August 21, 2007 meeting.
	This ordinance will be on the September5, 2007 special meeting agenda.

C.	A motion to delay the publication of the Orange Village Community News until after the November 6, 2007 
	election was made by Soroky; seconded by Braverman.
		Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
		Nays:	none
	Discussion on procedure/protocol for the newsletter to continue during the September 5, 2007 work session.

13.	Audience comments relative to all subjects.
	Chamkaur S. Han, owner of Best Construction,  asked if Council would suspend the rules and pass 	
	Ordinance 2007-30 at the September meeting as new construction on the house located at 4989 Lander 	
	Road is nearing completion and an occupancy permit cannot be issued until the sewer connection is made.

14.	Report of Council Members.
	Centanni	- Progress on the Barkley site work was discussed at the August 7, 2007Planning &  Zoning meeting.
	Perry		- No report.
	Brown		- No report.
	Kluter		- Sharon Delman Memorial Race on August 5, 2007.
	- Shredding service scheduled in Pepper Pike.
	- Ad hoc committee on “going green.”
	Soroky	- Concerns about the oil/gas well in the park.
	Braverman	- No report.

15.	Report of the Mayor.
	- Request for a motion to purchase a flat bed truck for the Service Department.

	A motion to authorize the purchase a new flat bed truck through the State of Ohio Department of 	
	Administrative Services and equipment for the truck at a total purchase price of $32,933.99 was made by 	
	Perry; seconded by Brown.
		Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
		Nays:	none

	- Instructed Jeremy Iosue to suspend further efforts on human resource issues.

16.	Report of Council President.
	- Newsletter issue for discussion on procedure and protocol at the September 5, 200 7 work session.

17.	A motion to adjourn into executive session for the purpose of discussing employment and compensation of village 
	employees was made by Perry; seconded by Brown at 9:15pm.
		Ayes:	Perry, Centanni, Kluter, Soroky, Braverman, Brown, Bram
		Nays:	none

	Adjourned to executive session at 9:15pm.
	Adjourned from executive session at 9:47pm.

18.	There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned at 9:48pm.

Archives 2007 | 3-7-07 | 3-14-07 | 4-4-07 | 4-11-07 | 4-25-07 | 5-2-07 | 5-9-07 | 6-6-07 | 6-13-07 | 7-11-07
7-25-07 | 8-8-07 | 9-5-07 | 10-3-07 | 10-10-07 | 11-7-07 | 11-14-07 | 12-5-07 | 12-12-07